Your iPhone can use its cellular data connection to create a personal Wi-Fi hotspot that your Mac (or iPad) can connect to. Apple calls this handy feature Personal Hotspot, and it is commonly called tethering. Personal Hotspot is easy to set up and is far more secure than jumping onto random public Wi-Fi …

How to Create a WiFi Hotspot Using a Mac's Internet Connection Without further ado, here are the steps needed to use your Mac as a WiFi hotspot. Step 1: Check Compatibility Specs Macs are among the most popular computers in the world because they last for years. It’s not uncommon to find a Mac that’s 10 years older or more, still working like new. But these often bear older operating systems. For that How to Create a Wi-Fi Hotspot in Mac - XtremeRain Aug 24, 2018 How To Solve WiFi HotSpot Login Page Error on Mac? | MashTips usb hotspot

Feb 05, 2014 Xfinity® WiFi by Comcast | Wireless Internet on the Go Xfinity® WiFi by Comcast offers wireless internet service at millions of hotspots. Enjoy the fastest hotspots with the most Internet on the Go coverage. Everyone can now access 1.5 million out-of-home Xfinity WiFi hotspots for free: These hotspots are normally located in … How to automatically connect Mac's Wi-Fi to iPhone's hotspot

Jun 07, 2019

My WIFI Router by TX-Network is a freeware application that will turn your computer into a Wi-Fi hotspot sharing your Internet connection with other devices. Sadly, there is no version of My WIFI Router for Mac available for download, so, you might want to search for other tools that can help you out.